Synology met à jour DSM en version 6.2.2–24922

Logo Synology

Syn­ol­o­gy a mis à jour le sys­tème d’ex­ploita­tion DiskSta­tion Man­ag­er de ses dis­ques durs réseau NAS en ver­sion DSM 6.2.2–24922 dont d’im­por­tants cor­rec­tifs de sécu­rité à appli­quer immédiatement.

Respec­tant notre charte de suivi et de qual­ité, Ex Cal­i­bra a effec­tué les opéra­tions de mise à jour de votre serveur Syn­ol­o­gy si votre NAS est cou­vert par un con­trat de sauve­g­arde / sécu­rité / assis­tance. Les paque­ts des appli­ca­tions instal­lés sont eux aus­si mis à jour par nos soins pour un fonc­tion­nement opti­mal. Il n’y aura aucune action de votre part à effectuer.

DSM Version 6.2.2–24922

Important Note

  • This update was re-released on Apr. 29 to fine-tune cer­tain func­tion­al­i­ty and usability.
  • The update is expect­ed to be avail­able for all regions with­in the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.
  • This update will restart your Syn­ol­o­gy NAS.

What’s New in DSM 6.2.2

  • Added the new Smart Update func­tion and adjust­ed the update mech­a­nism of DSM.
  • IHM now sup­ports 14TB Iron­Wolf and Iron­Wolf Pro drives.
  • Added firmware update func­tion of SAS con­troller on cer­tain SAS models.
  • Added knowl­edge base arti­cle rec­om­men­da­tions in the Sup­port Cen­ter to help users with easy troubleshooting.
  • Domain users can now change their pass­words upon DSM login when their pass­words expire.
  • Added sup­port for Inte­grat­ed Win­dows Authentication.
  • Added sup­port for Google LDAP services.
  • Added the new Low-Capac­i­ty Write func­tion, which resumes LUNs from read-only sta­tus tem­porar­i­ly when a vol­ume is run­ning out of space.
  • Users can now select which advanced fea­tures to enable dur­ing iSC­SI LUN creation.
  • Adjust­ed the warn­ing mech­a­nism in iSC­SI Man­ag­er for insuf­fi­cient vol­ume space.
  • Added func­tion to sched­ule the snap­shot rota­tion in iSC­SI Manager.
  • Added sup­port for the con­fig­u­ra­tion of date and time for­mats in per­son­al account set­tings and Con­trol Panel.
  • Sup­ports SSD com­pat­i­bil­i­ty check on XS and FS series models.
  • Adjust­ed the noti­fi­ca­tion mech­a­nism for bad sectors.
  • Improved the cal­cu­lat­ing accu­ra­cy of SSD cache hit rate.
  • Users can now get a Let’s Encrypt cer­tifi­cate auto­mat­i­cal­ly upon adding a new Syn­ol­o­gy DDNS.
  • Changed noti­fi­ca­tion badges from num­bers to red dots and mod­i­fied dis­play rules.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed an issue where usage his­to­ry may not show in Resource Mon­i­tor on cer­tain models.
  • Fixed an issue where files can­not be re-uploaded after being delet­ed on macOS 10.13.
  • Fixed an issue where encrypt­ed Excel files can­not be opened in Microsoft Office 2016 simul­ta­ne­ous­ly on mul­ti­ple macOS devices.
  • Short­ened the time need­ed for domain and LDAP authen­ti­ca­tion via AFP.
  • Improved the sta­bil­i­ty of mount­ing exFAT exter­nal devices (exFAT pack­age required).
  • Improved the sta­bil­i­ty of NFS pro­to­col connection.
  • Improved the sta­bil­i­ty of Snap­shot Repli­ca­tion when mov­ing a large num­ber of directories.
  • Enhanced the sta­bil­i­ty of Btrfs file sys­tem under cer­tain high I/O load­ing conditions.
  • Enhanced vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties pro­tec­tion from KPTI to Spec­tre and Melt­down Pro­tec­tion for improved secu­ri­ty. Applied models: 
    • 18-Series : DS218+, DS418play, DS718+, DS918+, DS1618+, DS3018xs, RS2418+, RS2418RP+, RS2818RP+, FS1018
    • 19-Series : DS1019+, DS1819+, DS2419+, RS1619xs+
  • Fixed mul­ti­ple secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties regard­ing Lin­ux ker­nel (CVE-2017–13168, CVE-2018–19824, CVE-2017–15649, CVE-2018–14634, CVE-2018–17182, CVE-2018–10853).
  • Fixed mul­ti­ple secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties regard­ing OpenSSL (CVE-2018–0732, CVE-2018–0737, CVE-2019–1559, CVE-2018–0734, CVE-2018–5407).
  • Fixed mul­ti­ple secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties regard­ing Spec­tre & Melt­down (Synology-SA-18:01).
  • Fixed mul­ti­ple secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties regard­ing OpenSSH (CVE-2019–6109, CVE-2019–6110, CVE-2019–6111, CVE-2018–20685).
  • Fixed a secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty regard­ing SQLite (Synology-SA-18:61).
  • Fixed mul­ti­ple secu­ri­ty vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties regard­ing Sam­ba (Synology-SA-18:47, Synology-SA-18:60).
  • Minor bug fixes.

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