Mise à jour de Cyberduck en version 6.9.3

cyberduck Client FTP

Le célèbre Canard Jaune Cyber­duck a été mis à jour en ver­sion 6.9.3 et cor­rige quelques bugs :

  • Bug­fix RFC com­pli­ant pars­ing of URI para­me­ters (CLI)
  • Bug­fix Fail­ure dis­play­ing alert win­dow for mul­ti­ple con­sec­u­tive trans­fer failures
  • Bug­fix Check­sum ver­i­fi­ca­tion dis­abled by default for file transfers
  • Bug­fix Add –login option to exe­cut­ed shell for “Open in Ter­mi­nal” feature
  • Bug­fix Dis­able trans­fer accel­er­a­tion for AWS Gov­Cloud (S3)
  • Bug­fix Login using tem­po­rary tokens from STS to AWS Gov­Cloud (S3) (#10594)
  • Bug­fix Sup­port auto-con­fig­u­ra­tion from ~/.aws/credentials for AWS Gov­Cloud and Ama­zon S3 Chi­na (S3)
  • Bug­fix Mod­i­fi­ca­tion date not applied when copy­ing file between brows­er win­dows (#10592)
  • Bug­fix Unable to delete incom­plete mul­ti­part upload (S3) (#10568)
  • Bug­fix Updat­ed localizations


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